Jasper rock
Jasper rock

Whether you are looking for simple and inexpensive. Not what we think of when we think of durable jasper. Rocks and Crystals We have everything to offer the rock and crystal lover at Jasper Rock and Jade. Calcite is not nearly as hard as quartz, making "Bumblebee Jasper" a delicate stone which is easily scratched. "Bumblebee Jasper" from Indonesia is an excellent example of something which is not jasper being called jasper. "Bumblebee Jasper" is a travertine or a calcite based stone formed on the flanks of a volcano, in an active fumerole. Ocean Jasper is and agate/jasper material from Madagascar famous for its wide range of colors and fantastic orbs.

jasper rock

Why do people call it a jasper if it is not a jasper? Who knows? Maybe it sounds better? Usually it's a situation where it's a trade name or a regional term for a stone. Jasper nodules can often be found in riverbeds anywhere near ancient volcanic activity. Dalmatian Jasper aligns your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies with the etheric realm. It will strengthen your devotion to other people. It is a stone that will remind you to enjoy the simple things.

jasper rock

Guided Rock, Alpine, and Ice Climbing Glacier Hiking and Exploration Mountain Skills. This stone brings a sense of playfulness to anyone who carries or wears it. Jasper is an igneous rock but it often occurs in larger formations than agate. Join us year round for mountain adventures in Jasper, Canada. What we call "jasper" as rockhounds and lapidary artists is most often a stone called a "jasperoid", which I will get into in a minute, but about 20% of things we call "jasper" are just called that by the people who sell them and do not have a high silica content or they are not opaque, both things we use to determine if something is to be called "jasper". Jasper’s deep colors and opacity stem from impurities in the silica.

Jasper rock